GOD'S CHURCH, JACOB'S PILLAR STONE, AND THE JEWS Truly these are dark days! Satan has viciously attacked God's Church, the British Royal Family, and the nations of Israel (Revelation 12:13; Daniel 12:1). The unity we once knew has been SHATTERED! (Daniel 12:7). God's removed Herbert W. Armstrong from the scene and His protective shield from around Israel (2 Thes. 2:7; Isaiah 5:5). Strong leaders (for the most part) are a thing of the past (Isaiah 3:1-5). All seem bent on stumbling, retreat and defeat - losing holy ground to the Enemy (Jer. 8:5). Yet in the midst of these days of darkness, God's stars continue to shine (Daniel 12:3; I Cor. 11:19). The gates of the grave have NOT prevailed against God's Church or nation: a precious remnant remains (Isa. 10:22). God has first sounded the alarm in His Church ("My People") and now will emphasize a WARNING MESSAGE TO THE NATIONS ("the House of Israel"). Malachi's Message served notice to God's people, and now Beyond Babylon will issue an INTERNATIONAL ULTIMATUM (Isa. 58:1). Royal Family in Exile God's Church shamefully let go of foundational doctrines, our Israelite brethren despise our birthright and cower before Gentile animals (Lev. 26:22), and now the British have dismantled their monarchy and undermined their national security! The British have sent Jacob's Pillar Stone back to Scotland, so GOD WILL SOON SEND THE BRITISH INTO CAPTIVITY! God protected the Sceptred Isle from Nazi invasion out of respect for Jacob's Stone and David's Throne! (I Kings 11:36). We can rest assured that God will spare a few members of the Royal Family to keep His promise alive to David (2 Chron. 21:7). Will God convince Princess Diana to deliver her two sons to His representative for safe-keeping? (Deut. 22:6-7; Jer. 49:11). They would be kept together with God's Royal Family in exile (Isa. 16:3-4). GOD WILL GUARD HIS OWN HOUSE (Zech. 9:8; Psalms 91). Jeremiah was simply a type of one assigned to deliver David's descendants safe and sound to a Providential place (Jer. 43:6). God's Church will be entrusted with their care (2 Chron. 23:7). As revealed in BEYOND BABYLON, "By a prophet was the Stone removed from Jerusalem, and by a prophet shall the Stone be returned to await Him whose right it is!" Isn't it most interesting that GOD'S WORK REVOLVES AROUND A STONE?! (Zech. 4:7). The Two Witnesses will safeguard Jacob's Stone and herald the coming of Israel's King to reign upon it! We must MAKE A PUBLIC CALL FOR THE STONE'S RESTORATION TO JERUSALEM! The Stone is now in Scotland - in transit. The Royal Family made the wrong move by sending it there! They've been disloyal and will soon be disrobed! (Hosea 5:1; 13:11). However, it's an ACT OF FAITH to call for Jacob's Stone to promptly returned to Israel. What a contrast in character! All Eyes on Jerusalem! Jerusalem's the furthest thing from most people's minds, but GOD WILL FOCUS EVERYONE'S ATTENTION ON JERUSALEM! (Zech. 14:2). We must project a clear vision of what Zion nobly stands for in God's plan (Jer. 51:50). Why? Allow Mr. Armstrong to explain (as brought out in my article, "Elijah's Unfinished Business"): "How are we preparing the way for Christ's Messianic coming? In three ways. 1) by proclaiming... the gospel of the Kingdom... 2) by making ready a people... And 3) something that even I did not realize until recently [and most of God's people still don't!] we were also COMMISSIONED to do - clean up the filth and rubble in that area that was the original Jerusalem and City of David... Why is that important? Because Christ has said that He will yet choose Jerusalem... His throne will be there... Where was David's throne? It was on this very spot where we are now cleaning up and hauling off rubble... That is the spot we are cleaning up! So THERE IS A PHYSICAL PREPARING, AS WELL AS A SPIRITUAL, IN PREPARING THE WAY FOR MESSIAH'S COMING!..." (Autobiography of HWA, Volume II). Mr. Armstrong mentioned three facets of God's Work - done in the SPIRIT OF ELIJAH. Mr. Armstrong fulfilled the first by taking the gospel around the world. Mr. Flurry is now fulfilling the second phase...preparing the Church for Christ's coming... The Two Witnesses will do the Work, the third and final phase, of PHYSICAL PREPARATION for Messiah's coming! They'll speak from Jerusalem (the restored capital of Israel) and undoubtedly speak of the restoration of the sacrificial system and the reconstruction of the Third Temple! They represent the restoration of God's Church in Judea, because the Jews were the first to hear the gospel and will be the last to receive it! Everything's coming full circle! God promises to send someone to Jerusalem with the gospel to clear customs before Christ's arrival (Isa. 41:27; 52:7). A Davidic messenger will be like God before the Jews in Jerusalem (Zech. 12:8), encouraging their necessary change of heart (Matt. 23:39), because Elijah must IDENTIFY THE MESSIAH TO JUDAH AND ANNOUNCE HIM TO ISRAEL!" Faithful Jews Our public call for the Stone's restoration to Judah is part of the RESTORATION OF DAVID'S HOUSE to Jerusalem and also helps to prepare the way physically for Messiah's coming (Amos 9:11). Joseph had been ordained the Keeper of the Stone, the custodian of Israel's Rock (Gen. 49:24), until the time came for it to be established in Jerusalem forever. God's Church must develop a close working relationship with those Jews who are faithful in Israel (Hosea 11:12). We can trust God to call them in His good time and improve their understanding (Zech. 12:10; Acts 18:24-26). Joseph and Judah must unite to remind Israel of our Biblical roots and responsibility - and it all centers around David's throne! (Ezek. 37:22). We must support and encourage those Jews on the frontlines, especially the Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement, for directing world attention to Jerusalem's Temple Mount, and the El Ad ("to the City of David") organization. El Ad is involved in restoring Silwan/Shiloach as a Jewish neighborhood. They are active in ending the Arab occupation of the Biblical City of David, by purchasing homes for Jewish families to move into, thus RECLAIMING the land of Israel from Ishmael. They, like the Temple Mount Faithful, are helping to physically prepare for Messiah's coming (Isa. 62:10). They express their FAITH IN ACTION by living in the Promised Land! There's also the Root and Branch Association that promotes a greater understanding of the Jews, Israel and the Bible around the world. Our work's cut out for us, but God will soon bring all the pieces together! A note in closing: The Jews have faithfully kept God's Word and sacred calendar (Romans 3:2). The sacred calendar's purpose is to determine when God's Holy Days are to be observed. We must align ourselves with GOD'S GOVERNMENT that has ordained THEM to be responsible for such matters (Matt. 23:2). This clears up any unnecessary confusion. Any other approach or miscalculation is rejecting God's commandments for human traditions! (Mark 7:7). Soon God's Church, Jacob's Pillar Stone, and the Jews will be ONE in Christ. God speed the Day! For Zion's Sake, David Ben-Ariel 1408 Kelsey Ave. Toledo, OH. 43605